


Grateful Friday Morning

Today is a rare Friday morning for me…sitting in my office working on the many weddings we are excited to be a part of!  I never could have imagined how much my business would grow over the past few months and I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of so many wonderful weddings.  Thank you to each and every one of my brides, grooms and their families for trusting Southern Productions with your special day.  You only get once chance to get it right on a wedding and I am so proud that I have a great team of ladies that will do whatever it takes with me to get the job done.

Since we are getting so many inquiries about weddings on dates we are already booked I am excited to say that we have added on planners/directors to our team which will allow us to book more than one wedding per day!  I am so blessed to be doing what I love and want to thank each and every one of you for trusting us with your wedding day!

mary sue and adam 11

Photo Credit: Admoni Photography

Another reason this Friday is rare is because I decided to take the afternoon off to head to the paint store to pick out paint colors for my house!  Although I want whites, light grays and neutral colors I know this is not going to be an easy task as there are soooo many shades of white!



I put my heart and soul into my client’s planning experience.

over two hundred thirty weddings since 2010

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How to Start Your Own Wedding Planning Business

How to Start a Wedding Planning Business

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our full service wedding planning process


additional resources for wedding planners

Design questionnaire template


Client budget and vendor questionnaire


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